Saturday, November 15, 2014

Just a little nothing

        New post? Nah not really. Just bored and overtired. Wish I had something to say but I don't. Its weird keeping this blog only because it is online but no one knows it. I'm cool with that. After having been on Facebook from 2009 until about 2 months ago and having live banter and discussions about my comments or others, it's just weird now having no response. It's like writing in a vast canyon. But I'm fine with it. Besides I was getting little to no response on Facebook at the end anyway. Of course in the beginning and middle of my Facebook days, I loved it and some of the back and forth was just amazing. But all things end, sadly. And though here this is an "online" thing it doesn't feel like that to me. It just feels like Word or Works and I'm just journaling away. I've come to realize that I don't need an audience. It would be nice if I ever published something to an audience-- heck I wouldn't even care if I got paid or not, unless it were a novel.
       Life moves along in it's circular fashion. Much has changed over the years. Getting old sucks but I refuse to give in to it. I have no friends anymore. I have decided, months ago to pull a JD Salinger and just withdraw from it all. Less bullshit. When I think of my friends, I think, we had a great run. We did it all. We conquered the world. Now it's time to just let the past remain and remember the beautiful, ugly times and just move on. I must say, the untold stories would make entertaining reading. Anyway, felt like ranting. What good's a blog if you can't say what you feel? Mission complete. Goodnight me.

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